Task - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
The Task class represents a certain task (with given length) that will be simulated.
Task(int, String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.Task
Constructor for the Task.
Task - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks
This class represents a task.
Task(TaskSpecification, Workload) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.Task
Constructor for Task
TASK_DEADLINE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the deadline of the task.
TASK_DEADLINE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the deadline of the task.
TASK_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the description of the task.
TASK_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the description of the task.
TASK_INSTANCE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the instance type of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_INSTANCE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the instance type of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_LENGTH - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the length (in hours) of the task.
TASK_LENGTH - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the length (in hours) of the task.
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the name of the task.
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the name of the task.
TASK_OS - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the operating system of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_OS - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the operating system of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_REGION - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the geographical region of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_REGION - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the geographical region of the instance the task has to run on.
TASK_SPOT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Tag name used for the fact whether the task is allowed to be run on spot instances.
TASK_SPOT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the fact whether the task is allowed to be run on spot instances.
TASK_WORKLOAD - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Tag name used for the file in which the generated workload distribution of the task is stored.
TaskCollection - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks
This class represents a collection of tasks.
TaskCollection(Date) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.TaskCollection
Constructor for TaskCollection
TaskGenerator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2
This class is used to generate a workload model two task that uses the specification provided using the program arguments.
TaskGenerator(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm2.TaskGenerator
Constructor for TaskGenerator.
TaskHoursGenerator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1
This class is used to generate a workload model one task that uses the specification provided using the program arguments.
TaskHoursGenerator(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.generation.wm1.TaskHoursGenerator
Constructor for TaskHoursGenerator.
TaskReader - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.specification
This class is used to read a workload of model one or two from file.
TaskReader() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.specification.TaskReader
TaskScheduler - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload
This class is used to represent the scheduler that uses an optimizer to determine the schedule that minimizes the total cost.
TaskScheduler(InstanceWorkloadCollection, boolean) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.TaskScheduler
Constructor for TaskScheduler
TaskSpecification - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks
This class represents the specification of a single task, it consist of a name, description, deadline of the task.
TaskSpecification(String, String, InstanceSpecification, Date, boolean) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.TaskSpecification
Constructor for TaskSpecification
TIME_CHECKPOINT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModelOptions
Checkpointing time in minutes (default = 5)
TIME_CHKOVERHEAD - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModelOptions
Checkpointing overhead time in minutes (default = 3 seconds)
TIME_RECOVERY - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModelOptions
Recovery time in minutes (default = 10)
TIME_WAITING - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModelOptions
Waiting time in minutes (default = 0)
TippingPointCalculator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.reserved
Calculator used during the resource allocation phase of the broker, to determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when reserved is cheaper than using an on-demand instance.
TippingPointCalculator() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.reserved.TippingPointCalculator
toDate(String) - Static method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.DateUtility
Convert the given string representation of a date to the actual date object using the date formatter
toFile(CsvWriter) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.output.textual.PriceDescriptorNode
Write the information of the price tree node to file using the provided CsvWriter.
ToolTipGenerator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui
This class is used as tooltipGenerator, it creates a tooltip text that contains all the relevant subTask and task specifications that are valuable for the use, but also the price that corresponds with the associated task hour in the schedule.
ToolTipGenerator() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.ToolTipGenerator
Constructor for ToolTipGenerator
toTaskSeries(List<SchedulerResult>, String, Date, Date) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.ScheduleRegionTabs
Convert a list of schedulerResults all for the same geographical region to a taskSeries that can be used by JFreeChart to create the Gantt-like chart.
toTime(Date) - Static method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.DateUtility
Convert the given date to a string that represents the time of the date