schedule(boolean, String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.region.RegionWorkloadCollection
Schedule the workloads of this collection
schedule(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.TaskScheduler
Perform the scheduling phase of the broker process
ScheduledTaskCollection - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload
This class represents a schedule generated for a single instance, it contains a list of subTasks.
ScheduledTaskCollection() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.ScheduledTaskCollection
ScheduleGUI - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui
This class represents the broker GUI.
ScheduleGUI() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.ScheduleGUI
Constructor for ScheduleGUI
SchedulePrinter - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.textual
This class is used when the broker result is outputted in a textual manner, it prints the generated schedules to a given outputStream in a structured way.
SchedulePrinter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.textual.SchedulePrinter
Constructor for SchedulePrinter
SchedulerCategoryItemEntity - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui
This class is used to represent a categoryItem of the Gantt-chart for the schedule, it contains the corresponding subtasks and an altered tooltipgenerator.
SchedulerCategoryItemEntity(Rectangle2D, String, String, GanttCategoryDataset, int, Comparable<?>, int, SubTask, ToolTipGenerator) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.SchedulerCategoryItemEntity
Constructor for SchedulerCategoryItemEntity
ScheduleRegionTabs - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui
This class is used to generate the graphical representation of the provided broker result.
ScheduleRegionTabs(SchedulerResultCollection) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.ScheduleRegionTabs
Constructor for ScheduleRegionTabs
ScheduleRenderer - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui
This class is used as renderer for the Gantt-chart representing the broker schedule.
ScheduleRenderer() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.output.gui.ScheduleRenderer
Constructor for ScheduleRenderer.
SchedulerOptions - Interface in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload
This class is used to represent the different options used during the scheduling phase of the broker: basic, optimized or spot-optimized.
SchedulerResult - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload
This class is used to represent the resulting schedule of the broker created during the scheduling phase of the broker process.
SchedulerResult(InstanceSpecification) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.SchedulerResult
Constructor for SchedulerResults
SchedulerResultCollection - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload
This class is used to represent a collection of schedulerResults.
SchedulerResultCollection(Date, Date) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.SchedulerResultCollection
Constructor for SchedulerResultCollection
schedulingVersionExists(String) - Static method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.InputVerifier
Check whether a given scheduling option is supported by the broker
setData(int, double) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SrcRecord
Setter for the historic spot price of the given record.
setDescription(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.Checkpoint
Setter for the description of the corresponding checkpointing scheme
setFileName(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.Checkpoint
Setter for the name of the output file
setPrice(Price) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTask
Setter for the price associated with the subTask
setPrice(Double) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.output.textual.PriceDescriptorNode
Setter for the price associated with the price tree node
setPricesSubTasks(Price) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.ScheduledTaskCollection
Setter for the price of all the subTasks of the scheduledTaskCollection, this can be used for the on-demand and reserved pricing models since all subtasks hold the same price in that case.
setPricingModel(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.ScheduledTaskCollection
Setter for the pricing model appointed to the instance associated with the scheduledTaskCollection ]
setRecord(int) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SrcRecord
Setter for the number of records
setRegion(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.InstanceSpecification
Setter for the geographical region of the instance specification, this setter is needed when the user did not appoint a task to a region
setRegion(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.Task
Assign the task to a certain geographical region
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.Task
Set the start time of the scheduling period for the task
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.TaskSpecification
Setter for the start time of the scheduling period of the task
setTimePeriod(Date, Date) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTask
Tag the subTask with the desired time period
setup() - Static method in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.PricingManager
Initialize/setup the price watches
setup() - Static method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.InputVerifier
Fill the sets with the values representing the supported items
simulate(String, String, int) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.Simulator
Perform an actual simulation: by first of all creating the needed datastructures, then performing the simulation and finally writing the results to file.
Simulator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
The Simulator class performs the actual simulations by first creating all the needed data structures, then performing the simulation and finally writing the results to file.
Simulator() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.Simulator
SPOT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.AllocatorOptions
Allocation Scheme Option: use all three pricing models, use the spot model to determine the bid price.
SPOT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.EC2Constants
SPOT_INPUT - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.EC2SpotPriceWatch
Location of the input files containing the spot price history.
SpotAllocator - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot
This class is used during the resource allocation phase of the broker, when an instance is tagged as a spot instance to determine the appropriate scheduling for the task parts that were assigned to the instance.
SpotAllocator(SchedulerResult, boolean, Date, Date) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.SpotAllocator
Constructor for SpotAllocator
SpotCSVHandler - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing
Class that extends the CSVHandler in order to handle spot price access
SpotCSVHandler(String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.SpotCSVHandler
Constructor for SpotCSVHandler
SpotModel - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
The DecisionModel simulator was made for calculating PDF (Probability Density Function) and CDF (Cumulative Density Function) of on- and out-of-bid conditions on Amazon EC2 Spot instances.
SpotModel() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModel
SpotModelOptions - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
Constants used by the application, this can be extracted to an XML input file in the future.
SpotModelOptions() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SpotModelOptions
SPOTOPTIMAL - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.AllocatorOptions
Allocation Scheme Option: use all three pricing models, use the actual spot price history to determine the optimal bid price.
SPOTOPTIMIZED - Static variable in interface be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.SchedulerOptions
Scheduling Phase Option: Spot-Optimized.
SpotPrice - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing
This class represents a spot price in the broker.
SpotPrice(double) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.SpotPrice
Constructor for SpotPrice
SrcRecord - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
The SrcRecord class contains the price history data for the instance/category that is being simulated.
SrcRecord(String, String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.SrcRecord
Constructor for SrcRecord
STANDARD_EXTRALARGE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.EC2Constants
STANDARD_LARGE - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.EC2Constants
STANDARD_SMALL - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.input.pricing.EC2Constants
Amazon EC2 Instance Types
startDate - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.evaluation.BenchmarkOptions
Start date of the scheduling period used by the broker benchmark, the scheduling period upper boundary is one year further in time.
startDate - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.main.EC2Broker
The start date of the one-year scheduling period
startDate - Static variable in class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.SchedulerResultCollection
The start time of the scheduling period
startTiming(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.ExecutionTimer
Start a timer with a given name
State - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model
The State class represents a certain state of a simulation.
State(SrcRecord, Parameter, Task, Checkpoint[]) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.State
Constructor for State
stopTiming(String) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.utils.ExecutionTimer
Stop the timer with the given name/key
storeEachResult(int, int) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.ResultWriter
Store one result of a simulation to file
storeResults(int) - Method in class be.ac.ua.broker.allocation.spot.model.ResultWriter
Store the results of the simulation to file
SubTask - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks
This class represents a subtask which is used to represent a single task hour of a task, it is the smallest unit used during the scheduling phase of our broker process.
SubTask(int, TaskSpecification) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTask
Constructor for SubTask
SubTask(String) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTask
Constructor for SubTask
SubTask(SubTask, Date, Date) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTask
Constructor for SubTask
SubTaskCollection - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks
This class represents a collection of subTasks.
SubTaskCollection() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTaskCollection
Constructor for SubTaskCollection
SubTaskCollection(List<SubTask>) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTaskCollection
Constructor for SubTaskCollection
SubTaskCollection(long, TaskSpecification) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.input.tasks.SubTaskCollection
Constructor for SubTaskCollection
SuperOptimizer - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm2
This class is used to perform the optimized/spot-optimized scheduling for workload model two tasks.
SuperOptimizer(Date, InstanceSpecification, boolean) - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm2.SuperOptimizer
Constructor for SuperOptimizer
SuperSpotTHOptimizer - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm1
This class is used to perform the spot-optimized scheduling for workload model one tasks.
SuperSpotTHOptimizer() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm1.SuperSpotTHOptimizer
SuperTHOptimizer - Class in be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm1
This class is used to perform the optimized scheduling for workload model one tasks.
SuperTHOptimizer() - Constructor for class be.ac.ua.broker.scheduling.workload.wm1.SuperTHOptimizer