
Interface Summary
CSVFilterInterface This class represents a filter that decides what data is analyzed
PriceWatch This interface represents an access point to the prices of EC2 for a particular pricing model

Class Summary
CSVHandler Class that uses java CSV reader to read in the data from the CSV file downloaded from the website
DateFilter This class represents a filter that makes sure only the price data of dates in a given period is analyzed.
EC2Constants This class contains a number of EC2 constants that are used by the broker, such as the string representations for the three pricing models, the different instance types, the operating systems provided by tyhe EC2 instances, the geographical regions in which Amazon EC2 is operating, ...
EC2OnDemandPriceWatch This class provides access to the EC2 on-demand prices that are inputted through CSV files to the broker
EC2ReservedPriceWatch This class provides access to the EC2 reserved prices that are inputted through CSV files to the broker
EC2Specifications This class provides the EC2 instance types, geographical regions and operating systems that are supported by our broker.
EC2SpotPriceWatch This class provides access to the EC2 spot prices that are inputted through CSV files to the broker
InstanceSpecification This class represents the specification of a certain EC2 instance, it is specified by the instance type, the geographical region and the operating system bneing used.
OnDemandPrice This class represents a reserved price in the broker.
Price This class represents an abstract price, which already consists of an amount in US dollars that is an hourly price.
PricingManager This class provides static access to the on-demand, reserved and spot prices that are provided to the broker using input files.
ReservedPrice This class represents a reserved price in the broker.
SpotCSVHandler Class that extends the CSVHandler in order to handle spot price access
SpotPrice This class represents a spot price in the broker.