
Class Summary
PriceTree This class is used to create a JScrollPane containing an overview of the costs associated with the represented schedules generated by the broker, the price overview is created using a PriceCalculator and can be given an order of item to sort the price on in the tree.
ScheduleGUI This class represents the broker GUI.
SchedulerCategoryItemEntity This class is used to represent a categoryItem of the Gantt-chart for the schedule, it contains the corresponding subtasks and an altered tooltipgenerator.
ScheduleRegionTabs This class is used to generate the graphical representation of the provided broker result.
ScheduleRenderer This class is used as renderer for the Gantt-chart representing the broker schedule.
ToolTipGenerator This class is used as tooltipGenerator, it creates a tooltip text that contains all the relevant subTask and task specifications that are valuable for the use, but also the price that corresponds with the associated task hour in the schedule.