Class PriceTree

  extended by

public class PriceTree
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used to create a JScrollPane containing an overview of the costs associated with the represented schedules generated by the broker, the price overview is created using a PriceCalculator and can be given an order of item to sort the price on in the tree. In this case it is first divided between the different geographical regions, followed by a division between the pricing models that were used, then the operating systems that were used and finally the instance types used. This order can easily be changed.

Vermeersch Kurt

Constructor Summary
PriceTree(SchedulerResultCollection result)
          Constructor for PriceTree
Method Summary
 javax.swing.JTree getTree()
          Create a graphical tree overview of the associated costs for the given schedulerResultCollection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PriceTree(SchedulerResultCollection result)
Constructor for PriceTree

result - the schedulerResultCollection to create a graphical tree overview of the associated costs for
Method Detail


public javax.swing.JTree getTree()
Create a graphical tree overview of the associated costs for the given schedulerResultCollection

result - the schedulerResultCollection to create a graphical tree overview of the associated costs for
the graphical tree representation of the costs associated with the given broker schedules