Class TippingPointCalculator

  extended by

public class TippingPointCalculator
extends java.lang.Object

Calculator used during the resource allocation phase of the broker, to determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when reserved is cheaper than using an on-demand instance. It is also used to determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when reserved is cheaper than using a spot instance (uses the average spot price of the schedule period).

Vermeersch Kurt

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean determineReservedvsSpot(InstanceSpecification inst, int nrSpotEnabledSubtasks, int nrNonSpotEnabledSubtasks, java.util.Date start, java.util.Date end)
          Determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when a reserved instance becomes cheaper than using a spot instance.
static long determineThresholdReservedOnDemand(InstanceSpecification inst)
          Determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when a reserved instance becomes cheaper than using an on-demand instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TippingPointCalculator()
Method Detail


public static long determineThresholdReservedOnDemand(InstanceSpecification inst)
Determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when a reserved instance becomes cheaper than using an on-demand instance.

inst - the instance specification to determine the threshold value for
the tipping for reserved versus on-demand


public static boolean determineReservedvsSpot(InstanceSpecification inst,
                                              int nrSpotEnabledSubtasks,
                                              int nrNonSpotEnabledSubtasks,
                                              java.util.Date start,
                                              java.util.Date end)
Determine the tipping point utilization ratio for when a reserved instance becomes cheaper than using a spot instance. Note that in this calculation the average spot price during the whole scheduling period is being used. The number of task hours that are scheduled on the instance that originate from a spot-enabled task and the number of hours from a not spot-enabled task are taken into account as well.

inst - the instance specification to determine the threshold value for
nrSpotEnabledSubtasks - number of task hours scheduled on the instance originating from spot-enabled tasks
nrNonSpotEnabledSubtasks - number of task hours scheduled on the instance originating from not spot-enabled tasks
start - start time of the schedule
end - end time of the schedule
the tipping for reserved versus spot