Interface Optimizer<W extends Workload>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicOptimizer, BasicTHOptimizer, RealOptimizer, SuperOptimizer, SuperSpotTHOptimizer, SuperTHOptimizer

public interface Optimizer<W extends Workload>

This interface is used to for the implementations of the different scheduling options, the optimizer is presented a number of workloads associated with a certain workload model and instance specification. The workloads can be added using the add method, afterwards the determineOptimal method is called, which will schedule the workloads across a number of needed instances in a way that tries to minimize the total cost price of running the load on EC2.

Vermeersch Kurt

Method Summary
 void add(W wl)
          Add the provided workload to the scheduling optimizer.
 java.util.List<ScheduledTaskCollection> determineOptimal()

Method Detail


void add(W wl)
Add the provided workload to the scheduling optimizer.

wl - the workload to add.


java.util.List<ScheduledTaskCollection> determineOptimal()
a list of scheduledTaskCollections, one of these represents the schedule containing subTasks for a single instance. This schedules are made in a way that tries to minimize the total cost of running the workload on EC2.